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Where to Stay

Deals for 2025 Coming Soon!

We encourage you to please enjoy the wine festival responsibly. For your convenience and safety, discounted rates are available at a variety of hotels. All hotels are within walking distance of the Duke Energy Convention Center.

The cutoff dates vary by hotel. If calling to make a reservation, please mention The Cincinnati International Wine Festival for the discounted rate.

Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza

Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza

35 W 5th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

P: 513.421.9100
Kinley Cincinnati

Kinley Hotel

636 Race Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

P: 513.381.1100
The Westin

The Westin Cincinnati

21 E 5th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

P: 513.621.7700
Hyatt Regency

Hyatt Regency Cincinnati

151 West Fifth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

P: 513.579.1234
Renaissance Cincinnati Hotel

Renaissance Cincinnati

36 E 4th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

P: 513.333.0000